
Recount is NOT reflective. It is simply a recording of the events/interactions/people that occurred in a particular incident. There is no attempt to provide reasons or justifications. There is no reframing or attempting to view the incident/interaction from another perspective.


I’m not sure what happened today when Serena said to the others in our assignment group that we should include the perspective of the perpetrator as well as the victim in the ‘hypothetical’ workplace bullying incident we had to construct. Daniel certainly stirred her up with his critical comments on why we shouldn’t waste our time giving the perpetrator a voice. Just raising it showed that there were other members in the group who felt the same way as Daniel. Boy! I don’t want to have too many of those altercations – it was exhausting- and some angry people! It really stirred up a hornet’s nest!


  1. Not reflective – description of events/interactions/report of literature
  2. No attempt to provide reasons/justifications