Take it further

Use the following three elements from David Boud’s framework (see reference below) to reflect on a critical incident. Note these elements are not necessarily sequential and you may move back and forward between them:

  1. Returning to experience: Recall details such as the room, the time of day, season, who was there, what was said. Note down the details you recall. “The role of journal writing here is to give an account of what happened and retrieve as fully as possible the rich texture of events as they unfolded” (Boud, 2001, p.4).2.
  2. Attending to feelings: “Focus on the feelings and emotions that were (or are) present” (Boud, 2001, p.4). If the emotional memory is strong recall how you felt. Note down these feelings, you can also use other modes such as videoing your response.
  3. Re-evaluation of the experience: Return to and re-evaluate the event. How do you see the dynamics differently? Are there no differences? Would you respond differently to a similar situation? How? Why? What have you learnt from returning to the experience?


Suggested readings

Boud, D. (2001). Using journal writing to enhance reflective practice. In English, L. M. and Gillen, M. A. (Eds.) Promoting Journal Writing in Adult Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 9-18.

This reading explores the concept of journal writing as a means to reflect on learning. While the chapter focuses on writing, the ideas are also applicable to multi-modal forms of recording experience available within an e-journal environment such as PebblePad, for example video. The task which follows this reading will be based on the section, Reflection after events (pp.4-5).

Lucas provides an excellent overview of what is meant by critical reflection and explores some of the disagreements amongst scholars in defining the term. Pay special attention to the different definitions.

Lucas, P. (2012). Critical reflection. What do we really mean? Australian Collaborative Education Network National Conference. Retrieved from

Some of the questions in this module’s quiz will be based on Boud’s article. Make sure to read carefully and take notes to assist in understanding the chronology and the terminology & concepts.