Take it further

Try using the Through-the-mirror reflective practice framework outlined in Gillie Bolton’s, The Learning Journal pp134-135 (see reference below).

  1. Recall an event, either in a workplace or university.
  2. Open a new document and give the following account a title that is meaningful to you
  3. Stage 1: Write an account of that experience, following the stage 1 framework provided by Bolton (p.134). This should take 10-20 minutes:
    1. “Allow the event to surface in your mind, rather than reaching for the most critical. Often the uncritical episode, routine, everyday, or seemingly insignificant element most needs dwelling upon” (p.134)
    2. “Write about the [event] as descriptively as you can, including all the detail” (p. 134)
    3. “Give [the account] a title as if it were a story or film” (p.134).
  4. Stage 2: Read through your account and reflexively ask questions such as those suggested by Bolton (see stage 2, p. 134)
  5. Stage 3: Rewrite the account, broadening out your perspective. Use Bolton’s suggestions as a guide (p.134)
  6. Stage 4: Re-read your account at a later time. Use Bolton’s suggestions as a guide

Suggested readings

Bolton, G. (2014). The learning journal in Bolton, G. Reflective practice: Writing and professional development. Los Angeles: Sage. pp 125-144.

In this chapter, Gillie Bolton provides a framework for reflective writing in four stages. This framework will be adapted for the final, Module 3, workshop preparation.

Bolton emphasises the educational, professional and personal benefits of undertaking reflective writing regularly and systematically.